Do you avoid saunas because you don’t like taking all your clothes off? Or, would you like to take your children without compromising their privacy?
The newly-renovated spa in Mayrhofen at Hotel Neue Post connects tradition with modernity. Our new spa oasis features amongst others steam baths, bio herbal saunas, various massages, Finnish sauna as well as textile sauna. Although many of our guests know what they all are some may imagine that a textile sauna is a kind of sauna made out of special material. They couldn’t be further from the truth, so just a few words of explanation for those who’d like to know… Most people like going into saunas completely naked but for those who are more self-conscious, who prefer more privacy rather than appearing in their birthday suit, or for those with children who want to introduce them to the beneficial effects of saunas, textile saunas are the answer. Here you can enter in your swimsuit and still enjoy the benefits it provides. So why not try it out and give yourself and your children some extra special family time in our new spa oasis?