At our spa hotel, you can choose from a wide range of exclusive massages.
Whether you’re suffering from tense muscles or tired legs, you’d like to try out a hot lava stone massage, or you simply want to be thoroughly pampered, Tamàs Jàmbor is your man. He’s the massage therapist at our accommodation in the Zillertal valley. His training ranges from classic medical massage, wellness massage, and lymphatic drainages to manual pain therapy, the Dorn-Breuss massage, and trigger point therapy.
Tamàs will help you pick the right massage or treatment as well as the matching massage oils for your individual needs. Before the massage, we often recommend a visit to the sauna, as it can work wonders as an effective pre-treatment. During the massage, we recommend that you let go, relax, and enjoy. After the treatment, there is little left to do except to keep hydrated – drink lots of clear water and unsweetened teas –, rest a lot, and avoid major exertions such as sports.